How should I clean my Akiki doll?

  • Akiki dolls are meant to be played with, so they'll probably need clean up. Your regular bathing soap on her vinyl body should do the trick.

Can I wash doll hair? If so, how do I wash it?

  • We do not recommend regular washing of the doll's hair, it can become frizzy and damaged. However, if you must regular shampoo is fine but do not brush, let it dry naturally. No oil or conditioners should be applied to the dolls hair.

What's the best way to brush doll hair?

  • Akiki’s hair is very curly and we do not recommend brushing. The natural state is curly so they will always bounce back.

Can I braid her hair?

  • Akiki loves braided her and it also gives her a funky look. You should not comb the hair just braid as is. To remove the braids simply unplait and the hair and it will remain curly.


  1. Do not leave your Akiki doll lying under direct sunlight for long hours.
  2. Her hands can be removed. This helps when changing her clothing.
  3. Keep your doll away from dogs who chew anything:-)
  4. To increase Akiki’s wardrobe you can create or better still shop for the latest outfits online www.akikidolls.com.


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